ISCRR is thrilled to announce its funding renewal of ISCRR for the next three years, ensuring the continuation of its mission to use quality evidence to inform, advise, and educate. ISCRR’s founding partners, WorkSafe Victoria and Monash University have reaffirmed their commitment to advancing knowledge in workplace health and safety and injured worker recovery by renewing their Research Institute Collaboration Agreement until 2027, with a possible two-year extension.

The investment ensures the continuation of a 15-year research-industry partnership, propelling ISCRR forward with its vision of improving the health and wellbeing of the Australian working population through research and applied evidence.

The organisation’s continued partnership with ISCRR will support its work implementing evidence-led harm prevention and workplace injury recovery and return to work programs. “This important partnership ensures WorkSafe is well equipped to address emerging challenges in occupational health and safety and injury recovery,” said WorkSafe Executive Director Strategic Delivery Ash West.

Professor Doron Ben-Meir, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise and Engagement) and Senior Vice-President at Monash University said, “Monash University is committed to the renewal of our research-industry partnership with WorkSafe Victoria, continuing the impactful work of ISCRR. Monash’s Impact 2030 strategy is driven by meaningful and high-quality research that addresses challenges and develops understanding and solutions for the betterment of our communities. ISCRR strives to use best evidence and is well-placed to drive impact in improving the health and wellbeing of Australian workers.”

Over the next three years, ISCRR will continue to move forward with its strategic plan, with the goals of research excellence, impact through knowledge transfer, thought leadership and sustainability.

Dr Janine McMillan, Acting Co-Director at ISCRR, said, “ISCRR is excited to continue its mission of producing quality research to inform and promote evidence-based decision-making. Our vision is centred around Australian workers and beyond, having a strong focus on injury prevention, recovery and mental wellbeing. We look forward to continuing conducting rigorous research and using applied evidence to address future challenges that lay ahead.”

ISCRR wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to WorkSafe Victoria and Monash University for their continued support and confidence in our mission. ISCRR also expresses its appreciation to the dedicated team of researchers, staff, partners, and stakeholders whose unwavering commitment has been instrumental in securing this funding renewal.

Dr Kim Pham, Acting Co-Director of ISCRR, said, “It is with a sense of eagerness that we approach the renewal of our collaboration with both WorkSafe Victoria and Monash University. ISCRR looks forward to strengthening our partnership and working towards our sustainability into the future, with a continued commitment to research impact. As an institute, we understand that research is valuable when it generates real-world applications and drives positive change. In moving forward, we look to lived experience as part of co-design, having direct benefits to workers, employers and policy-makers.”


Header image (from left to right): James Demetriou, Dr Janine McMillan, Dr Kim Pham, and Anita Zanchetta.


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